Single Officer Active Shooter Response Tactics


The objective of this high-speed solo engagement tactics course is to show officers how to respond efficiently and effectively to an active shooter. This course stresses offense rather than defense. This course consists of solo tactics for movement and entry and force-on-force training utilizing either marking cartridges (such as Simmunition) or Air Soft. Officers will have an understanding of how humans process information and how to use that information to their advantage. They will learn how to properly use cover/concealment, speed, surprise, and aggressiveness to overwhelm the suspect. Officers will learn how to engage in multiple deadly force threats by themselves.

Instructor Bio: Robert Tirollo – Blue Shield Tactical Systems

Single Officer Active Shooter Response Tactics Flyer

SKU: N/A Category:


  1. Need for Swift and Effective Response:
    • Target Audience: Patrol officers, School Resource Officers (SROs), and armed security personnel.
    • Policy Emphasis: The first officer on the scene must take action, but safety and effectiveness require proper tactics.
  2. Course Content:
    • Situational Awareness and Mental Preparedness:
      • Equipping officers with the mindset to assess rapidly evolving situations.
    • Understanding the Psychological and Physiological Effects:
      • Recognizing how stress impacts decision-making and performance.
    • History of Active Shooters:
      • Learning from past incidents to inform present actions.
    • Evolution of Law Enforcement Responses:
      • Adapting tactics based on lessons learned.
    • Active Shooter Statistics:
      • Data-driven insights for effective planning.
    • Bleeding Control in Combat Settings:
      • Vital skills for saving lives.
    • Static and Dynamic Movements:
      • Navigating spaces with precision.
    • Solo Room Entry and Building Clearing:
      • High-risk scenarios officers may face alone.
    • Directed Fire and Distractions:
      • Making split-second shoot/no-shoot decisions.
    • Hot Zone Recovery:
      • Safely retrieving injured personnel.
    • Round Accountability:
      • Ensuring controlled and effective firearm use.
    • Tactics:
      • Practical strategies for engagement.
  3. Force-on-Force Training:
    • Simulating Real-World Scenarios:
      • Using marking cartridges or Airsoft to bridge theory and practice.
      • Stress inoculation and decision-making under pressure.

This course addresses critical gaps in training, preparing officers to act decisively while minimizing risk.

Cancellation Policy

At BSTS LLC, we understand that sometimes plans change. Our course cancellation policy is designed to ensure fairness and maximize training opportunities for all participants. Please take note of the following key points:

  1. Notice Period:
    • To cancel your attendance in a course, we require a minimum of 15 days’ notice before the course start date.
    • Notify us via email through our website.
  2. Consequences of Late Cancellation:
    • If you cancel with less than 15 days’ notice, a department credit will be issued. This credit can be used toward another future training event within one year from the original course date.
    • No-shows without prior email notification will be charged the full course fee, even if payment hasn’t been made yet.
  3. Future Course Credit:
    • For any no-shows who are charged the full course fee, we offer a one-year future course credit.
    • This credit allows you to attend a different training event within the next year.
  4. Why We Have This Policy:
    • Our goal is to provide quality training to as many officers as possible.
    • Some students register for courses but don’t attend, which prevents others from taking those slots.
    • We compensate our instructors based on the number of officers scheduled to attend, and our travel costs are tied to registration fees.
  5. Your Agreement:
    • By registering for any course, you agree to abide by this cancellation policy.
    • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us via email or phone.

Remember, this policy serves as a binding contract between BSTS LLC and you (whether you’re an individual student or part of an agency or company). We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain an efficient and effective training environment.


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